
Showing posts from September, 2019

How to debug phpunit ? How to ​force display logs of phpunit ?

Introduction See how to concretely, force an output message during a phpunit execution fwrite(STDERR, "TEST"); Example of a use case in the code /** * testArtworkSetsAssignmentInfoValidProductUUIDAction * * @throws \GuzzleHttp\Exception\GuzzleException * * @author David Raleche * @version 08-26-2020 */ public function testArtworkSetsAssignmentInfoValidProductUUIDAction () { $payload = array ( "order_id" => "1234560" , "customer_id" => "12345" , "product_info" => [ "product_uuid" => "12345" ] ) ; $jsonPayload = json_encode( $payload ) ; $artwork_set_uuid = ArtworkToolService:: postArtworkSets ( $jsonPayload , 12345 ) ; /** ------------------------- GET ------------------------------------------------- */ $headers = [ 'Authorization' => QATemplate:: $getKey , ] ; $url = '/v1/artwork-info/...

AWS SQS, DLQ, SNS (Slack), Lambda, Cloudwatch

I am currently working on a transactional platform where orders are pushed to a Queue SQS then pulled and processed by lambda. In a problematic situation , lambda triggers AWS SNS which will notify sysOp via email and a Slack Channel. Awesome ! And more importantly a DLQ — Dead-Letter Queue will contain workers waiting to be reprocessed and sent to our Technical Customer Service Department to analyze what went wrong

New Relic - More visibility for my team members

I am adding New relic for tracking our apps performance New Relic  is a web application performance service designed to work in a real time with your live web app.  New Relic  Infrastructure provides flexible, dynamic server monitoring. … It can be considered as the plumbing that makes web apps run faster.